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One dolla

Holla! Sooo…the dollar spot at Target. The place dreams are made of, yes? Pure brilliance – all that cheap inexpensive goodness right there when you walk in the doors? I stop by “real quick” every time and walk away with $10 worth of stuff…every. time.

I made over a little find recently and it’s just a good reminder to look at things that you may not completely love and imagine them with a new color. Spray paint is KING. It will rock your world. This may be the quickest redo ever here on TDC but I love sharing quick and easy. :)

Over the years I’ve found all kinds of goodies in the dollar spot – they have GREAT little scrapbooking stuff that I have to pick up because I’m a non-scrapbooker who loves scrapbooking stuff. I also get these plastic folders every year because I just cannot resist them:

plastic folder Target

Right around Christmas they had a TON of cute office supplies:

Target dollar spot

Who DOESN’T need sparkly clips, I ask you?

This is one of my favorite recent finds – I use it ALL the time:

easy strainer

It’s a strainer – I use it for meats in the skillet and pasta in the saucepan. It’s really strong and so much easier to use than the flimsy metal ones we have. And super easy to clean. LOVE it.

I came across this little tray a week or two ago and figured it would look great with a little spray paint:

target dollar spot tray

I cleaned it off and took off the tag, which took forever, then primed it (all I had was black) and then finished it off in gold spray paint:

gold spray paint

Super quick, super easy! SUPER cheap.

I almost did navy blue but I didn’t want it to match with my blue lamp on my nightstand exactly:

dollar spot tray spray painted

And I may have squealed a little bit when I saw it with the carafe (also from Target last year). They are perfect together. The carafe makes me feel SO fancy, let me tell you. I use it when I wake up hacking in the middle of the night, terrified that I just swallowed a bug or something. Fancy

Most of the time the tray holds my phone, or little things like my hair clips that usually get lost. (Read: things cats think are toys.):

gold spray paint on plastic tray

So far it’s holding up fine but I may put a clear coat on it to help protect it.

Not bad for one buck and less than ten minutes, right? Who doesn’t need a little bling in their lives? And it took me longer to get the plastic sticker off than it did to give it a redo, no lie.

I don’t like a lot of decorative stuff on my nightstands, do you? We clutter them up enough on my own. Now maybe I’ll just clutter up the little tray instead of the whole thing:

target tray spray painted We’ll see about that.

What’s your favorite dollar spot find? Is it your favorite place too?

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