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A lovely calm white space

It's an all white day today, I can just feel it. This home is so serene with it's white and light grey marble kitchen. I'm a huge fan of the indigo blue and black combination in the sitting room too.  An item I'm seeing more and more of the concrete side-table - they make quite a cool contrast against softer materials such as wood and velvet don't you think? Could you see yourself padding around this lovely apartment today?


I love how the texture of the wood shows through the paint work. It's worth seeing more shots of it here. Is there anything that stands out to you about this space?

For more serene white homes I'm loving this and this one. Or for a home with bright, bold colors which will put a smile on your face - take a peek at this one.

This morning I'm a little…how should I put it…on edge. A TV film crew are arriving at my house any minute for an interview. Eeeek! Wish me luck!

Have a lovely day!

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